Of,By,& For
- What are the consensus priorities of the parcel owners in the business and development district overlays created by Sherida City Ordinance 2288?
- What are the consensus priorities of the registered voters of Sheridan County?
Sheridan Clash is concerned with the tactics of local government. Government Of,By,& For the People starts with informed dialog.
District overlay zoning, massive construction projects, and expansion of service when the maintainance of existing infrastructure is ignored is the basis for real concern. A free people supporting a dysfunctional administrative government cannot continue. What is the point of the business and development district overlay zoning passed by City Council? Do parcel owners understand the implications of the zoning? Does the public agree with the tactics employed by the City to pass the zoning? Aside from a single public notice, in the Sheridan Press, council passed the zoning unanimously, even when, on the third reading, parcel owners, now aware, came to the council meeting to request that more time be allowed to discuss the, then, agenda item of passing the ordinance 2288.
Sheridan Clash supports the repeal of ordinance 2288. Sheridan Clash supports informed governance going forward. At a minimum, full real-time access to the transactional records of taxpayer dollars should be self evident. Second concensus driven spending should be the the new norm for local government going forward.
Sheridan Clash is asking both parcel owners in the business and development district as well as all registered voters of Sheridan County to form a consensus opinion on the overlay zoning. Further that, if no concensus can be formed then that be consideded evidence that the ordinance 2288 should be repealed.